

Scientific Conference Digital Health in Education. A Gender and Interdisciplinary approach.


19 and 26 October and 3 November, 2021

In person

The Complutense University of Madrid and the Institute for Feminist Research have organised a multidisciplinary training workshop about "Digital health in teacher training". The aim is to unmask the hidden messages and stereotypes about physical activity or nutrition that are transmitted through social networks and other digital technologies. Funded by the Ministry of Equality, through the Women's Institute, the seminar will be held in online format on 19 and 26 October and 3 November.

Directed by María José Camacho, Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Arts and Physical Education at UCM, the seminar will address topics such as 'Influencers of health from a gender perspective'; 'cyberartivism: memes, digital health and gender'; 'Reading photographs of the body. Critical visual literacy'; or 'Artistic, creative and participatory methods in health and wellbeing’ or ‘digital challenges'

On 3 November international speakers who are participating on the UNA Europa project will participate through two main conferences by professors Emma Rich (University of Bath) and Antonio Maturo (University of Bolognia); and a panel discussion on "Promoting gender equality through digital health in the school context: challenges and opportunities", moderated by Shirley Gray (University of Edinburgh).

You can find more the information about this activity on the website:, and updated information following our social media channels (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) in the account: @DigiHealthEdu