

Training workshop for physical education teachers


April 19, 2021

In person

April 19, 2021

In person

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The recent development of apps, self-tracking devices, health and exercise content on social media and other digital tools are currently attracting a great deal of social attention. These are digital health tools that are available to people to learn about and improve their health, fitness and wellbeing. Many of these technologies are being adopted by schools, PEteachers, parents, etc. to encourage young people to adopt healthy lifestyles.


  • - 19 April (face-to-face), from 17 to 20.30. UCM Faculty of Education
  • - 24 May (online), from 17 to 20.00.


Faculty of Education at the Complutense University. Classroom: Gymnasium.

This training course is specifically aimed at secondary school PE teachers. It will give you the opportunity to learn how young people understand and use digital health technologies and how this might affect their health identities and behaviours. It will train you to develop innovative and critical teaching approaches to digital health technologies that you can apply in your PE lessons.

The development of this training is integrated as part of the research project "DigHealthPE: An interdisciplinary, international and collaborative research approach to developing critical digital health pedagogies for teachers of physical education" (UNA-Europe seed funding number 2019002). This project involves recognised international experts who are working together for the development and evaluation of this training (+info).


Maria José Camacho-Miñano and Marta Arévalo Baeza.


To participate you have to register through the teachers' association ADAL, through this form. Thanks to the collaboration with this association, you will obtain the official certification by the Community of Madrid (the 10 euros to be paid go towards this certification). If you do not want this certification, you also can attend for free (contact

Credits and certificates

course is recognised with 1.2 training credits (valid for six-year periods) by the Community of Madrid. Those who carry out the proposed activities and attend at least 80% of the two sessions will obtain this recognition.

In addition, people participating in the project will receive a certificate as collaborating teachers of the UNA Europa project. The data collection procedure for the project will be approved by the ethics committee.


This is a blended learning course combining face-to-face and online activities, together with the design and development of an educational proposal in Physical Education with your own students.

The course will be developed as follows:

Activity prior to the face-to-face session: watch a video and a develop a reflective activity.

The face-to-face session will develop the basic concepts and methodological aspects for the development of educational proposals with a critical approach to digital health technologies. The proposal will be develop using a participatory methodology of co-creation and experimentation with examples.

During the non-classroom part of the course, participants will develop their educational proposal in their respective centres.

The last day will be an online session, in which the educational proposals will be presented, as well as the discussion of strategies for solutions and improvement

For more information, please contact the project coordinator at mail: